Visit Antelope Canyon & Horseshoe Bend

If you’re planning a trip to Northern Arizona, we highly recommend you visit Horseshoe Bend as well as take time to explore Antelope Canyon. These two sites are some of the most iconic in the American Southwest—attracting visitors from all over the world each year.

Grand Canyon Adventures offers guided tours to both of these areas. Opting for a guided experience is a great way to visit. You don’t have to worry about any of the logistics or planning, as we take care of it all!

Our journeys depart from Flagstaff, where you’ll hop on one of our comfortable tour vans. We’ll stop and take time to explore, allowing plenty of opportunities to capture amazing photos for you to bring home and show off to your family and friends. Throughout the day, there will be about three miles of walking, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes. We also provide lunch, beverages, and snacks during the tour. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from our incredibly knowledgable guides all about the history and geology of these landscapes.

We offer both a guided public tour of Antelope Canyon & Horseshoe Bend, where you’d be with a small group of other guests, as well as a private tour option. Private tours are ideal for guests looking to customize an adventure and want to enjoy the experience with just the members of their group. If you’re not sure which tour is best for you or your group, please contact the Grand Canyon Adventures team and we’ll be happy to provide more information about the best ways to Visit Antelope Canyon & Horseshoe Bend!

antelope canyon guided tour

Antelope Canyon & Horseshoe Bend Tour

8 Hours



horseshoe bend private guided tour

Private Antelope Canyon & Horseshoe Bend Tour

8 Hours



grand canyon excursion 4-day

Grand Canyon Excursion 4-Day Tour

4 Days, 3 Nights



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